Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A twist on lunch your kids will love!!

I have a pretty pick eater on my hands and she couldn't decide if she wanted a grilled cheese or a peanut butter and jelly for lunch. I decided to blend the two and make one delicious, warm, gooey, grilled pb&j!!!

Take your favorite bread, favorite jelly (jam, or preserves are awesome too!!), and of course your favorite peanut butter.

So the first thing your going to do is spread the jelly on one piece of bread and the peanut butter on the other like so...

Next, melt about a tablespoon full of butter into the bottom of your skillet on medium high heat. Dont let your butter burn!!!! Burnt butter is a brownish black color and makes anything you cook in it taste burnt. If you accidentaly burn your butter just rinse and wipe out your pan and try again!!

Once the butter is melted and your pan is hot place your bread in the pan with it until the filling is warm and the bread is toasted.

Here come the tricky part...assembly!!! With a steady hand and a spatula loosen whichever slice you please and place it gently atop of the other. Pushing on the bread at this point will likely cause a mess, so unless you LIKE sticky icky...I suggest a light tap to ensure the bread is stuck!!!

And Voila!!! Lunch is served Grilled pb&j with a side of raw veggies and a glass of milk
